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Friday, June 24, 2011

Whats hood yall those that want to jump on of tha top artists songs ill be posting sum of em soon any want to be feature email me

Thursday, June 23, 2011


All my midhod reprezentaz out cha starting this weekend im getting back n tha booth i have 20 mixtapes worth of nstrumentals so any unsigned artist trying to push ur musik to tha masses come connect w a goon cutthroat im giving nsite emails from me to u radiostaions that support unsigned artists ,get featured on cova of magazines , n greet n greets,vip tickets to red carpet events join tha movement @ facebook add me to get n2 my networking group
Any thats serious bout callabs hit up email

Thursday, June 16, 2011


(blackmediaSCOOP) In case you and your friends need to get high, you can always call on former talk show host Montel Williams for your hookup. TV host Montel Williams is opening a medical marijuana dispensary in Sacramento. Williams, who suffers from MS, has always been an open supporter of medical marijuana. He has been prescribed medical marijuana as part of a treatment program for the disease which causes muscle cramps, spasms, and stiffness that result in severe pain. “We believe they’re coming in here to be educated,” Williams told News 10 of potential customers. “They’re coming in here so they can feel comfortable, so to make them feel comfortable we’re going to be providing them with more information and more guidance than I believe any facility in this country is attempting to do.” Williams, stressed that the clinic will follow all state laws and provide safe and responsible care to patients. “While adhering to every single state law, we want to provide safe access for patients and really medicalize this,” he told the Sacramento Bee. SOURCE: SACBEE.COM